

My mission is to work in New Media developing web sites, producing videos and generating publicity for interesting entrepreneurs while advancing my skill levels and achieving self-actualization through creativity, design, communications and enterprise.


What I offer?

á      You can count on me to help you through the maze of options to develop a multimedia presence for your enterprise: web site design, custom web pages, search engine optimization and page ranking expertise, information design, graphic design, photography, Flash motion graphics, streaming video and video production, PodCasting, DVD/CD-Rom production, brand identity, e-mail marketing newsletter development and public relations ideas.

á      I will be your liaison to your Internet Service Provider, provide expert advice on developing and securing domain names, choosing a provider, establishing e-mail accounts, ensuring your business' identity is under your control, File Transfer Protocols (FTP), back up hard-drives, and domain registration advice.

á      When you experience technical breakdowns I will help you determine the root cause and assist you in finding a solution.  I provide ease and support and will direct you to appropriate resources.

á      I can help you actualize your vision and assist achieving communication with your target audience.  I will present your work in a professional mode to maximize your exposure to that audience.

á      I understand the value of your message and will help you express it across a wide range of media.  I can take away the worry and help you target your customer with ease.

á      I offer expert Photoshop services, document scanning, Flash with actionscript coding, custom navigation design, unique interactive elements and sound effects.

á      Custom color-ways, font selection, logo development, page lay-out for advertising.

á      Reiki.


When you choose to work with me you can expect:

á      A web design, video project or marketing campaign appropriate to your needs.

á      An affordable hourly rate and flexible payment arrangements. 

á      Every page I design is custom, I avoid using WYSIWYG tools, instead customizing HTML code in combination with Flash files, movie clips, PodCasts, forms, links and lucid active writing.

á      Web pages are compatible across all platforms.

á      Videos are produced to be shown across a broad range of media including TV, web, DVD, PodCasts and streaming video outlets.  Movies are shot in High Def Video, edited in Final Cut and compressed to meet all your needs.

á      Honest, expert advice on how to develop your on-line presence across multiple platforms, i.e. Web 2.0, Google, YouTube, PayPal, eBay, etc. 

á      Expert advise on optimizing internet page ranking and search engine optimization.

á      Dedication to you and your business giving you peace of mind that your designer has your best interest at heart.

á      A call back within 24 hours, prompt e-mail response and regular business hours.

á      I am continually tracking developments in the web design community; I attend training and information seminars regularly, follow trends through social networking sites, organizations, and higher education which translates directly to improvements to your on-line presence.  I am always looking for new ideas and tools to expand my capabilities and resources.


My work schedule is:

á      Physical fitness first: I am dedicated to maintaining a level of health and well being to enable our business pursuits.  I go to the gym 4 days a week, usually late morning, early afternoon.  I walk my dog several times a day.

á      I answer e-mails and phone calls in the morning, I get up early and go to bed early.  I may be grouchy, don't take it personally.

á      I develop web pages, produce videos, update seo, calendars, track stats, mediate problems, develop code, etc. during the day, often during the evening and sometimes weekends if necessary as long as my fitness is not compromised.

á      I paint, draw, make movies, play with Flash on Thursdays or Tuesday evenings; I am pursuing my own fine arts and video career.

á      I love you and am always available to help.




Fees represent the following expences:

á      Retainer fee to maintain regular updates

á      Hourly fee for new pages

á      Hourly fee to re-design existing pages

á      SEO analysis fee

á      Rate for video production

á      Rate for DVD, CD-ROM production

á      Rate for Flash and actionscript

á      Photography and PhotoShop fee

á      Rate for social networking like YouTube, Friendster, etc.

á      Rate for training

á      Consultation fee


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